A Nerd is Born

When folks first started calling me a nerd some time in the mid-80s, it was no compliment.  But times sure have changed: technology is ubiquitous, big data has become a buzz phrase, and nerds have come up in the world. It's an exciting time to be a nerd, and a great time to be a fundraising nerd in particular.  More than ever, nonprofits of all sizes are harnessing technology to personalize interactions with donors while streamlining operations  to be more efficient.

That's why I launched my company, Fundraising Nerd.  It all started with this blog, and has grown to a consultancy with a full range of data services, from data cleanup and conversions to establishing a prospect research shop to prospect identification, and more.

I am excited to translate big shop tactics to smaller shops.  If only I had known what I know now about data management, prospect research and more when I was working at Safeplace, a domestic violence shelter and rape relief organization in Olympia, Washington.  My boss and mentor, Debbie Lewis, taught me everything I know about grantwriting, direct mail, events and face-to-face solicitation.  We raised a lot of money... but we could have raised even more with a fundraising nerd!

Fundraising Nerd, the company, is here to fill that time and expertise gap for nonprofits of all sizes.  I'm excited to work with diverse shops in the Pacific Northwest, because I love this place, and I want to help it thrive.  Contact me to talk about your data opportunities and challenges.   I'd love to help.

Visit this blog and subscribe to the Fundraising Nerd e-news for lots of awesome goodies.  I really missed having the time and energy to blog, so I made it part of my job!  Check back here every few days for tips, techniques and technology news... mostly focused on fundraising, but featuring the occasional robot, too.  The e-news will always feature free data tips you can use to raise more money, and I will never sell or give your email address to anyone.

Amanda JarmanComment