Of lions and last-minute announcements

Dear readers, I have been remiss in not touting WVDO's Advanced Skills
session with Josh Birkholz. It is tomorrow! I was going to encourage
you to go, but registration is now closed. Oh, me. March has
certainly roared in like a lion.

I wouldn't blame anyone for showing up at 8 am tomorrow at the
workshop, even if you haven't registered. (Bring cash.) But you
certainly didn't hear that from me.

Check it out at www.wvdo-or.org.

Sorry for no link -- I am blogging from my new love, I mean iPhone,
because my laptop is down. Don't ask -- in like a lion, I said.

And a new blog goal: announce events at least 7 days in advance.
Yikes, I guess this blog needs its own schedule.


Amanda JarmanComment